Exercise Goal: Tone It Up

Hello Friends! I hope you are all having a wonderful productive day. If that is not the case, here is a hug and a pat on the back for some motivation!

I’m here to share a bit about what has been motivating me to make and reach my health and fitness goals. I found Tone It Up on December 28th, 2014 after hearing about it from the youtuber Nikki Phillippi. They do different challenges and give you a weekly plan. There is also an online community there which is free to join. Here there are thousands of ladies that are so supportive. So props to them! Feel free to join me anytime! 🙂 I just wanted to check in and let you know how I have been doing with my goals..

January 1st:

TIU Love Your Body With Yoga *check*

January 2nd:

1 Hour Zumba Class *check*

Love Your Total Body *check*

January 3rd:

Love Your Abs 3x {Meaning I did the workout 3 times.. feel the burnn!!} *check*

January 4th:

Today is semi-rest day. A relaxing walk is on the schedule! Or I might change it up and try the TIU HIIT workout. We shall see!

If you are interested in joining along in the Love Your Body Challenge here is the link: http://toneitup.com/2014/12/new-years-love-your-body-challenge/

I hope you will join me!
